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Missouri Association of Rural Education

Associate Members


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Associate Endorsement

L.J. Hart & Company was founded by Larry J. Hart, who has more than thirty years of experience as an investment banker specializing in the area of Public Finance. The principal goal of the Company is to develop creative financing ideas for local governments to include school districts, counties, cities, towns, special districts, not-for-profit corporations and others. These ideas can range from the traditional general obligation bond issue to various forms of lease financing through not-for-profit corporations on behalf of a specific local government. A creative idea is one that produces significant benefits to the issuer whether it be in the form of flexibility to take advantage of future improvement in the municipal bond market, an initial financing structure that permits the issuer to fully recover much of the cost of the financing through reinvestment earnings, a refunding of an existing debt obligation that better positions the issuer to receive voter approval for future financings with minimal or no tax increases, or others that meet a special need of an individual borrower.

L.J. Hart & Company tailors each financing proposal it makes to meet the specific objectives of the local government and usually presents several options along with the pros and cons of each that accomplish the desired objectives. The approach to business development is one of informing the client of the options rather than trying to convince one of the merits behind a singular idea. The Company has a long-term and relationship orientation as opposed to one of individual transactions. Success in the business plan is to be achieved through satisfied clients repeating their trust and by referring others to the Company. Meeting existing commitments and deadlines has priority over developing new clients and complete customer satisfaction is the goal of every assignment.