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Missouri Association of Rural Education

Associate Members


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Associate Endorsement

Serving Education Since 1986


Our goal at Filament Essential Services is to simplify life for the clients we serve. Since 1986, we have supported education organizations by providing time-saving and cost-effective services that alleviate pain points including:


SOCS Websites and Apps - A CMS with visually stunning sites anyone in your organization can maintain. Plus, an app that enables mobile site updates and one for your audience to help them stay connected.


Branding and Video - A strong brand (which is more than a nice logo) can help you stand out from the rest and instill pride in your organization. Then share your impact with an emotional and compelling video.


Data Security - Protecting your data is becoming increasingly more important. Our experts will help keep yours safe.


Tech Support - Technology is great when it works. When it doesn't, call us. Our tech gurus will get you back on track.


Payroll and Bookkeeping - Let us manage your finances, help you prepare for audits and keep your payroll and bookkeeping in check.


Contact us today for a website demo, a no-obligation estimate or chat about any other way we might be able to help relieve some of your pain points.


Filament Essential Services (SOCS Websites provider)

Karen Mullins, Regional Account Manager

1300 O Street

Lincoln, NE  68508

Cell:  248-890-2372

Direct:  402-479-6926

Toll free:  800-850-8397  x6926

Email:  karenm@fes.org

Website:  https://www.filamentservices.org/





Regional Account Manager - Karen Mullins

Email - karenm@fes.org

Phone - (248) 890-2372


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