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Missouri Association of Rural Education



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Rural District Administrator

Outstanding Rural District Administrator

Dr. Bruce Johnson

 Stanberry R-II School District

Dr. Bruce Johnson embodies what an educator should be about – he always has the students’ interest at the forefront of every decision that he has had to make.  His insight and knowledge can only come from years of experience and hard work.  His ability to plan and prepare for everything from a softball game to the construction of a new high school is remarkable.  If that was not enough, he always brings a smile to everyone’s face.  His sense of humor and willingness to laugh at him-self separates him from so many of his peers.

When Dr. Johnson arrived at Stanberry some 17 years ago, he found a district with multiple needs, the least of these being the 3 story, 100 year old high school building.  Bruce immediately went to work to fix this problem building.  Assembling a diverse group of patrons to meet, tour, and make suggestions, they reached the conclusion that any money spent on this building would be a waste of taxpayer money.  The end result was that a new building would be in the District’s best interest.  Because of Dr. Johnson’s leadership and ability to make appropriate decisions, Stanberry R-II now has top notch facilities that include a new High School, a new intermediate building that includes a state of the art media center, new locker rooms, and all classrooms that are 100% climate controlled.

The Stanberry R-II School District has maintained a high level of academic and scholastic achievement for the past two decades.  In the opinion of many, there have been two constants that have been responsible for this success – the students and Dr. J.  His leadership, academically and fiscally has allowed the students and staff to be successful in all types of situations.  That is why Stanberry has received DESE’s Distinction of Performance Award every year since 2002, each of those years with a perfect 14 out of 14 APR scores.  If you visit the school district’s website, you will see a very impressive list of awards the district has acquired during Dr. Johnson’s tenure at Stanberry.  The most lucrative award is the Blue Ribbon Award presented to Stanberry in 2008.  These awards do not come without someone directing the staff to be the best instructors they can be.

Dr. Johnson should be the poster child for what is a committed educator looks like.  One that is highly respected and beloved by those that know him personally and professionally.  His leadership and willingness to “get his hands dirty” exhibits the qualities necessary to be selected as the Missouri Outstanding Rural District Administrator for 2013.