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Missouri Association of Rural Education



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Rural Senior High Student

Houston Bichsel

A student of high standards, an achiever of academics, extra-curricular activities, school organizations and especially in life is Houston Bichsel, currently a member of the Senior Class at North Shelby High School, Shelbyville, Missouri.

A member of the school staff shares her impression of Houston. “ Houston excels in academics in his persistence to find solutions to problems presented both in and out of class.  He thinks outside the box to resolve mathematical problems and provides accurate reason or justification to his work. As a sophomore, Houston earned the highest average in Algebra II.  A gracious recipient, never boasting about his successes within the classroom, he is always willing to assist other students.”

Houston displays good leadership skills when involved in group projects, sports and school organizations.  Evidence of this includes the fact that he currently serves as North Shelby Student Council president, Senior Class of 2015 president, National Honor Society president, Fellowship of Christian Athletics president and Future Business Leaders of America president.  He is a member of the varsity Scholar Bowl Team and the varsity basketball and track teams.    

Houston is also a vital community member.  He serves as a lifeguard at the Shelbyville Pool in the summer, works at the Shelbina Golf Course during the school year, helps with the Wednesday night elementary church program call AWANA at Open Door Fellowship Church, and attends the church’s weekly youth group.  Additionally, Houston has had some of the lead roles in the community musicals, and in November he will be in Tarzan

Houston Bichsel’s personality, determination, compassion, and leadership skills, will help him succeed in whatever task he undertakes.  A role model for his North Shelby High School peers, he is a leader who leads by example and by serving, which makes him most deserving as the Outstanding Rural Secondary Student for the 2014-2015 school year.