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Missouri Association of Rural Education



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Shaylynn Craig Awarded 2017 William G. Peter Scholarship

Bill Peter presenting to Shaylynn Craig

Shaylynn Craig is a graduate of Stanberry High School in Stanberry, Missouri.  She is currently a student at the University of Central Missouri, in Warrensburg, Missouri working on a degree in Elementary Education. 

Shaylynn shares that she wants to teach in a rural community so that she can experience that “family feeling” again that she enjoyed growing up in Stanberry.  She wants to be a loving and supportive teacher that gives praise and personal guidance to her students.  She plans to settle down in a rural community and raise a family.  She wants her own children to experience the close community feeling that she did while growing up. 

A college instructor shares that Shaylynn collaborates well, has an enjoyable personality and follow through with assigned tasks.  She feels confident that Shaylynn will be a successful rural educator in the near future.  Another professor notes that Shaylynn is a wonderful student who will be an asset to the school in which she teaches.  A high school reference shares that Shaylynn goes above and beyond to excel in everything that she does.  She believes that Shaylynn has the inner drive to be a success in the education world. 

We are proud to present Ms. Shaylynn Craig the 2017 William G. Peter Scholarship award!